Monday, November 14, 2011

simple from ummi


remember your ummi said:

"I haven't not found any entry in Islam that permit what you are doing right now. I haven't not heard from anyone that love before marriage is permitted. But I know there's no relationship between male and female except for what is very important and official between them. So, may I know what kind of relationship you are having now and I want to hear it from your mouth that that it is legal in what you have been learning until now."

not a single phrase, nor a word...

"My sweetheart, if you want to build a family, a faithful one, you can never build it on what Allah has stated as wrong and proven false by the way Rasulullah has taught us. A happy and blessed family come from Allah, and you don't even have anything to defend it as blessed if the first step you make is by stepping into what He is prohibited. You can't have a happy family that stands until their dying day, they have Allah on their side. You cant expect Him to help you if you did the wrong step from the very beginning."

"Wake up dear from daydreaming..It's not me who want you to make a decision like this, but Allah tells you so."

Astagfirullah al'azhim...bowed without a word.

jazakallah to akhi muaamar


alyamohsin said...

jazakillah khairan syafa for sharing.
terkena diri sendiri plak T_T

Anonymous said...

belajar banyak

nusrah said...

assalamualaikum ukhti syafa,
dah lama nak tnye, syafa dulu penah study under rpkj, um ke?

Syafa Mohamed said...

alya...lagi banyak terkena pada syafa juga...mainichi gambarimasu..sikit2 perbaiki,semoga jalan ini menyempurnakan cela pada kita semua nie^^iA

Syafa Mohamed said...

anonymous--" kurang faham..belajar banyak apa yer maksudnya?+siapa kah disebalik anonymous ini^^

Syafa Mohamed said...

waalaikumusalam akak nusrah..;)

aah,yer akak....syafa persedian kat rpkj 2tahun...kita pernah jumpa ker akak?Allah...errrr..akak api's ker?

nusrah said...

akak ex-apids.. Allahu akbar. kecik je dunia ni, tup2 jmpe orang yg penah study kat um gak..kte maybe tak pernah jmpe. Akak lgsg tak kenal ngan student rpkj dulu. huhu

ni email akak []

nanti kte bleh sembang panjang, privasi skit..heh :p

.:naqib saad:. said...

suka ayat ni..
Teruslah bergerak, hingga kelelahan itu lelah mengikutimu.
Teruslah berlari, hingga kebosanan itu bosan mengejarmu.
Teruslah berjalan, hingga keletihan itu letih bersamamu.
Teruslah bertahan, hingga kefuturan itu futur menyertaimu.
Teruslah berjaga, hingga kelesuan itu lesu menemanimu.

may Allah bless u kak :)

Syafa Mohamed said...
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Syafa Mohamed said...

afwan adikku atas doa itu....semoga Allah merahmati kamu kembali...